3-12. Import login credentials


For example:

  • Chrome:
    Chrome browser > Click on your account in the top right corner > Click the "Key icon" > Settings > Click the the "Download file" in "Export passwords" tab > Enter your Chrome password
  • 1Password:
    In the desktop version of the 1Password app > Click on the three dots "⋮" at the top of the sidebar > Export > Choose the accounts you want to export > Enter your password > Select "CSV" as the export file format > Export data.

    PasswordPocket import external account steps:

    Step 1 - Open PasswordPocket extension
    Step 2 - Go to Setting
    Step 3 - Import Login
    Step 4 - Choose the import source
    Step 5 - Select the CSV file you want to import
    Step 6 - Click "Confirm" to start the import process
    Step 7 - Import successful

    *Imported data will be integrated with the existing data in PasswordPocket, so there's no need to worry about data loss during restoration. 

    *If the import source you want is not available in the options, you can use the universal format (.CSV) file for importing. The file format is explained as follows:

    • The first line contains column names: name, url, username, password
    • Starting from the second line, each line represents an account with four fields in this order:
    1. The first field is the name you give to the account, with a maximum length of 64 characters.
    2. The second field is the URL, with a maximum length of 128 characters.
    3. The third field is the username, with a maximum length of 255 characters.
    4. The fourth field is the password, with a maximum length of 239 characters.

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